
Ready to Start Your Business but Unsure Where to Begin? Here’s What Experienced Entrepreneurs Recommend

Ready to Start Your Business but Unsure Where to Begin? Here’s What Experienced Entrepreneurs Recommend

You’re eager to start your own business, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. During the BIG 2024 Entrepreneurs Gathering in Paris Bercy, organized by the Banque Publique d’Investissement, we spoke with some seasoned entrepreneurs to get their best advice on how to launch your venture.

Starting a business can be overwhelming. There are countless decisions to make, and it’s not always clear how to maximize your chances of success. The entrepreneurs we met at the event shared key insights that can help you get started on the right foot.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

One of the most important tips for any aspiring entrepreneur: don’t go it alone. Building a solid network from the beginning is crucial. Without the right connections, it can be difficult to know where to seek funding, which opportunities to pursue, and who to turn to for advice.

“We hear a lot about the ‘self-made man,’ but that’s a myth. No successful entrepreneur does it all on their own. Look around at any of the people here today—none of them made it alone. There’s always a trusted partner, a mentor, or a guide close by. Success is a team effort, never a solo journey,” says Julien Noronha, Executive Director of Communications at BPI France.

For young entrepreneurs, resources like Pépite France (Student Poles for Innovation, Transfer, and Entrepreneurship) offer valuable support. This nationwide network is designed to strengthen entrepreneurial culture and innovation within higher education. It connects students and recent graduates with businesses, mentors, and financial resources to help them succeed.

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